Behalf of Samasto, I Manick Chand Halder
Vill. – Sija, P.O. – Khamargachi,
District – Hooghly, West Bengal, India, Pin Code – 712515
Email: samastoweb@gmail.com
Contact: +91 – 7003502862 / 7890819249
Education | Editing | Design
How to identify two same color cells in a single row in google sheet? Step 1: Select Cells (A2:A5) -> Format ->…
What is Database? The database is an organized collection of related information. We have stressed "ORGANISED", because only organized information…
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 Database Table (.dbf) How to Create Database Table STARTàAll ProgramsàMicrosoft Visual Studio 6.0àMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 6.0…
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 Form (.scx) *Note: Visual FoxPro Form support only Windows XP operation system. Step-2 TEXT5 GOTFOCUS…
Planning a program involves defining its logic (the correct sequence of instructions needed to solve the problem at hand) called…
Microsoft Office Excel (.xls, .xlsx) Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft. This application is available in Microsoft Office…
Microsoft Office Word (.doc) Header and Footer: The information which appears at the top of every page is called Header…
Here the all Computer Keyboard Shortcuts: A. Basic Shortcuts 1. Alt + F {File menu options in current program} 2.…
NAMEDOCUMENT TYPEAPPLICATION.rtfRich Text FormatWordPad.docxMicrosoft Word DocumentMS Word.txtText DocumentNotepad.batBatch FileCommand Prompt.bmpBitmap ImagePaint.jpg / .jpegJoint Photographic Experts GroupPaint.xlsxMicrosoft Excel WorksheetMS Excel.dbfMicrosoft Database…
ALU=Arithmetic Logic Unit. CAD=Computer Aided Design. CD=Carrier Detect or Compact Disc. CD-R=Compact Disc-Recordable. CD-ROM=Compact disc read-only memory. CD-RW=Compact Disc-ReWritable. CMOS=Complementary…
আমি TechnoMafia Visuals এর Electric Logo Reveal Animation in After Effects দেখে অনুপ্রাণিত হয়ে এই ভিডিওটি বানিয়েছি। এর জন্য TechnoMafia…
1) Disable Text Select, Right click & F12 Key on WordPress Blog or Website a) Simply go to the Plugins…
Definition of Computer: Computer is an electronic device that has the ability to accept data and store them, then process…
Adobe Photoshop is a software application for image editing and photo retouching developed published by Adobe Inc. for Windows and…
A function is built in feature that returns a predefined or performs some operation on data and returns the result…
Using the several commands and function in a sequence to do a particular job is called a Program. Memory Variable:…
What is CAD?: Computer Aided Design (CAD) is simply, design and drafting (2D or 3D computer models) with the aid…
A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.…
A flow chart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm. It uses boxes of different shapes denote a different types…
Behalf of Samasto, I Manick Chand Halder
Vill. – Sija, P.O. – Khamargachi,
District – Hooghly, West Bengal, India, Pin Code – 712515
Email: samastoweb@gmail.com
Contact: +91 – 7003502862 / 7890819249