Author: Samasto

Simple tricks to get results in Excel or Google Sheet
How to identify two same color cells in a single row in google sheet? Step 1: Select Cells (A2:A5) -> Format -> Conditional formatting Step 2: Paste formula =Countif($A$2:$A$5,A2)>1 at Format rules then change formatting style fill color by Color 1 cell Read more

Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 Database Table
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 Database Table (.dbf) How to Create Database Table STARTàAll ProgramsàMicrosoft Visual Studio 6.0àMicrosoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 Write in Command Window CREATE SCHOOL <ENTER> 1. Create the following table. Field Name Data Type Width Dec Read more
বন্ধুত্ব (Friendship)
মেলাতে সেদিন দেখা, হঠাৎ দেখাতে তার সাথে অনেক কথা হলো। সেই পুরোনো স্মৃতি গুলো খুব রঙিন ছিলো, একসাথে কতো সময় কাটিয়েছি, সেই স্মৃতি গুলো আজও তাজা। পরিস্তিতি দূরে করেছে, কিন্তু বন্ধুত্ব এখনও সেই একই রয়ে আছে। যাইহোক রাতে মেলা শেষ, Read more

Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 Form
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 Form (.scx) *Note: Visual FoxPro Form support only Windows XP operation system. Step-2 TEXT5 GOTFOCUS A=THISFORM.TEXT3.VALUE B=THISFORM.TEXT4.VALUE C=A*B THISFORM.TEXT5.VALUE=C Step-3 (.dbf File Making) Field Name Type Width Dec PRODCODE Character 8 PRODNAME Character 20 Read more

Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Excel (.xls, .xlsx) Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft. This application is available in Microsoft Office Software. It has two types of Extension .xls and .xlsx. In old version, up to 2003 is .xls and now Read more

Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word (.doc) Header and Footer: The information which appears at the top of every page is called Header and at the bottom is called Footer. Drop Cap: Drop cap is called initial cap to decorate first letter or Read more